School is back in full swing & Ella is so bored without the kids home. The first week of school, Ella learned to open the refrigerator. Every time I turned around she was in the fridge eating cheese, hot dogs. She put the sour cream in the freezer & some other crazy things. She is also opening the kitchen drawers, getting things out & with her level of activity, you can see why I look forward to nap time. Ella sleeps for 2 hours, while I get to relax, read watch tv, sit in the office on the computer... Oh but there are 2 other kids, a 1st & 2nd grader, and they have homework. Yippee! So our new schedule during Ella's nap consists of a snack for the kids & homework. This usually takes 30-45 minutes, but last week we were spending 1 hour to 1&1/2 hours with Alex alone. So you see the importance of her nap. Well last week guess what else she learned. To climb out of the crib. She climbed out 3 times in a row, then I rocked her & layed her in her crib asleep. While she slept, I considered my options. 1. leave her in the crib 2. move her to a toddler bed or 3. get a crib tent. #1 I didn't want to risk, since Heather's daughter broke her arm after climbing out of her crib. #2 would work since her crib converts to a toddler bed, but then I'd have to deal with a new sleep routine & her climbing on furniture, all while trying to do homework too. So I decided on #3 the crib tent. Put her in the crib enclosed be a tent, and zip her in. Seems easy enough, but I was worried she may be scared.
After dinner that night, my mom & I went to Babies R Us to get the tent (they rip you off when you're desperate). Jody & I put it on (30 minutes) and then we put her to bed. She loved it. She never cried or anything. I hope she continues to like it, at least till the kids have a break from school or maybe even till next summer. I always like to do transition things like taking away a paci or moving to a bed when they have a break from school/preschool. I took Alex's paci away on a trip to Disney, Emily's was taken at Christmas break & she was potty trained at the same time. Alex was potty trained during spring break, and Emily was moved to a bed during the summer. When we took Alex's pacifier that was the end of naps for him & the beginning of bedtime battles. When Emily moved to a bed, she started sleeping with us. So with Ella being the 3rd, (you live & learn) I decided she could have a paci & sleep in a crib till she was 5 if that keeps her happy. We'll see what happens.